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Lesbians in L.A.

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Los Angeles is back, baby, and it’s better than ever before. How better, you ask? The lesbian community is taking the post-Covid world by storm by creating lesbian beach parties and mapping out plans to develop lesbian/queer bars and public spaces.

That’s right: L.A. lesbians are coming together to create community once again. And the first place they’re starting with is a little place called Hot Donna’s
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The idea behind Hot Donna’s is to be a space where all are welcomed and celebrated, but it’s designed with queer women, gender non-conforming folks, and queer people of color in mind.


Created by Lauren Richer, Hot Donna’s would land in West Hollywood (the gay bar mecca in L.A that is notoriously dominated by cis gay men), and would finally carve out a place for lesbian and queer women to come together and form friendships, community, and find relationships. 


However, the bar right now is just a concept and is currently in the money-raising phase. If any of you lesbians are in the L.A. area and want to help out, you can attend this fundraiser on July 17th to get more donations (and also to party with some lesbians). If you’re not in L.A. but still want to help, you can visit their gofundme page


But it’s not all about Hot Donna’s. Lesbian TikToker Lilly Brown has been throwing major lesbian L.A. beach parties called Queer Field Day, where lesbians can join together to party on Venice Beach. It’s so popular, in fact, that queer people as far up as Portland have driven down to check it out. 


We’re so excited for the lesbians in L.A. that the city is coming together to create more lesbian events and spaces! We’re rooting for the rest of the country to follow suit. 


If anyone out there knows of great lesbian events or lesbian spaces, let us know so we can boost them! Or, if you’re someplace with no lesbians around, consider hosting a party yourself! One thing’s for sure: if you build it, the lesbians will come. 

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