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How To Get More Confidence

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Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to lack confidence, especially as we get older. It’s a shame to go through life with low confidence, and it can throw a tailspin in all areas of your life. From dating to your emotional well-being and even your ability to form friendships, life seems more challenging if you suffer from low confidence. 

The good news is that there are steps you can take to become a more confident person. Usually, having confidence doesn’t come naturally. It takes many years of practice to train your mind into becoming more confident.   

Below, here are some quick tips to starting the journey of gaining more confidence. 

Change the way you speak to yourself. 

More often than not, if you have low self-confidence, it’s because you’re not speaking to yourself in a kind way. 

Take extra notice of how you talk to yourself during your inner monologue. Are you overly harsh, critical, or mean to yourself? Take a step back and show yourself the same love, patience, and care that you would offer someone in your life who means a lot to you. 

Talk to yourself as if you were a child, and extend the same deep care, admiration, and love to yourself who you would any other person who’s important in your life.

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Remember All You Have Accomplished 

It’s easy to focus on your failures, but the more you remember your accomplishments, the more confident you will feel as a person. What are some things you’re proud of? They could be academic accomplishments, social situations you’ve navigated well, art skills you’ve gained, and so forth. 

Whatever they are, sometimes it helps to list them out to see on a physical list all of the things you’re proud of. 

By paying attention to all the amazing things you’ve created in your life, the more you’ll remember that you are a capable and strong person. 

List Out Your Skills 

Everyone is good at something. Got a way with animals? Have an incredible memory? Amazing at knitting? Like focusing on your accomplishments, when you realize where your strengths lie and focus on what a badass lady you are, you’ll slowly start to feel more empowered and soon feel much more confident in every area of your life.  

Try New Activities (That Scare You)

Relying on yourself in scary or uncomfortable situations is a great way to show yourself that, yes, you are strong, and yes you can handle new situations: even if they make you a little uncomfortable. A great way to immerse yourself in uncomfortable situations is to venture out and try new activities. 

Start that kickboxing class you’ve always wanted to try, go rock climbing, conquer your fear of ziplining, or go travel by yourself. Whatever activity that interests you but also scares you, immerse yourself in it. Once you make it out on the other side, you’ll feel stronger and more confident.   

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